Monday, February 22, 2016

Youth Art Month Worcester Regional exhibit at the Worcester Art Museum

I am happy to announce the students chosen to display their artwork in the annual student art show at the Worcester Art Museum!

Allyson McMahon
Grade 7
Block Printing Ink

Jake Bullis
Grade 5
Monochromatic Forest

Brooke Kelley
Grade 8
Fall Still Life
Pen, Watercolor

For more info, click below!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Mural - 8th grade

At the beginning of the year, I chose a group of very talented students in the 8th grade to be part of the annual mural group.  This year, in order to get art out into the surrounding community, the students were asked to create a mural for the Pepperell Senior Center.  After meeting with coordinators, it was decided that a mural displaying the four seasons will be created and then installed in the Senior Center dining room.  After months of planning, we have put the mural pieces on staging and have begun to prime, draw and paint!

The "Ugly Doll" display!

I was finally able to display the Ugly Dolls all together.  This might be my all time favorite project. Each one has an individual personality just like my students.  The students seemed to really love creating them and got so much out of this lesson.  They had to learn to keep working through mistakes.  In the end, all of the hard work made them connect with their finished project even more!

STEAM Day Mandalas

During STEAM day students at Nissitissit used math to create mandalas using their names.