Thursday, December 3, 2015

Calavera Foam Prints - 7th Grade

November 1st was  El Dia De Los Muertos which is otherwise known as The Day of the Dead.  This is a very important holiday in Mexico in which families remember loved ones.  During this celebration, people create altars which display food, flowers, candy, photographs and art.  Of the pieces of art displayed are colorful calavera's or skulls.  Students looked at a variety of skulls and designed their own.  When finished they engraved their design onto printing foam.  Students are currently in the process of printing 3 prints.  Each print has a different color ink and a different color paper.

Monochromatic Tree Paintings - 5th Grade

Students in the 5th Grade are learning to mix tints, tones and shades.  They are using this knowledge to paint a monochromatic (one color) tree painting.  Using overlapping layers of tints, tones, and shades helps to create depth in their landscapes.

Finishing up the Ugly Dolls!

I am very pleased with the work the 6th grade has been doing on their Ugly Dolls.  This lesson has been better than I ever expected and the kids are getting so much out of it.  I am so proud of my students!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Van Gogh Harvest Skies: 5th Grade

Students in the 5th grade learned about the work of Vincent Van Gogh and created a harvest landscape inspired by Van Gogh.  Instead of paint, we used oil pastels.

Ugly Dolls are coming along!

Here are a few pictures of the ugly dolls coming along!

Completed Fall Still Life

The 8th grade has completed some amazing work.

  • Introduce the students to the concept of using line to create value
  • Introduce the students to the concept of still life as related objects
  • Introduce the students to the concept of repetition of shape within a composition
  • Introduce the students to drawing realistically and model techniques to achieve a realistic drawing

Massachusetts Frameworks:

1.5 Expand the repertoire of 2D and 3D art processes, techniques, and materials with a focus on the range of effects possible within each medium
1.7 Use the appropriate vocabulary related to the methods, materials, and techniques students have learned and used in grades PreK-8
1.8 Maintain the workspace, materials, and tools responsibly and safely
2.8 For line, use and be able to identify various types of line
2.11 For space and composition, create unified 2D and 3D compositions that demonstrate an understanding of balance, repetition, rhythm, scale, proportion, unity, harmony, and emphasis.  Create 2D compositions that give the illusion of 3D space and volume
3.4 Create 2D and 3D representational artwork from direct observation in order to develop skills of perception, discrimination, physical coordination, and memory of detail

Artist of the Month: Hannah Morehouse

November's Artist of the Month is Hannah Morehouse.  I have been impressed with Hannah's art every week.  She certainly produces above average work for a student in 5th grade!